
Showing posts from February, 2018


Jvarasura is a fever inducing demon. according to legends he is said to have been born from the sweat of medidating Lord Shiva. In one account it is mentioned that Vishnu was afflicted with fever by Jvarasura when he was in his Hayagriva form. Hayagriva tears down Jvarasura into three parts by his Sudarshana Chakra.  The three torn parts developed its own libs. Brahma resurrects him from death. The form has three heads and three legs. Jvarasura is the spouse of Sithala Devi. Insome accounts he is called as servant of Sithala Devi. In another account Jvarasura is fever demon who is born out of sweat of Lord Shiva and  causes infections among humans. Shitala means the cool one. Shitala devi is a folk deity and incarnation of Goddess Durga (Katyayani). Jvarasura spreads fever to childhood friends of Katyayani . Katyayani cured her friends illness and sent one of her confidant friend Batuk to enounter Jvarasura. Batuk encounters Jvarasura and fiersome battle ensues between them. Jvaras

Nagalingam pushpam tree or cannon ball tree

This tree is kick back to my past. When i was a Kid there was a Nagalinga tree opposite to my house in neighbourhood. I was fascinated by the bright pink flowers. I used to run and collect the flowers. the flower was surrounded a single layer of petal and on the inner side one of the petals resemble the hood of the cobra and if you open the flower we can see a small linga look alike structure. hence the flower gets the name Naga Lingam tree. The tree used to have  huge round fruits which used to hang down the tree. these seed were perfectly round in shape  and huge like cannon balls . Hence in english it is called as Cannon Ball tree.  The flower shape was unique and attaractive but it doesnt have any fancy attractive smell . The Cannon balls true to their name when fall down from the tree cause a loud noise which may be like dropping of bomb shell. The fruit is filled white sticky liquid.