Sorath Rai Diyachi

Sorath Rai Diyachi
Sorath Rai Diyachi is the story of tragic romance written by Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. Sur Sorath is 30 chapters of Shah Jo Risalo it tells the tale of Sorath and Rai Diyachi. The story tells how a King gave up his head for love of music and his wife who gave up her life for the love of her husband.  Beejal the nephew who took his uncle’s life also sacrifices his own life.
Rai Diyachi is also known as Ror Kumar or Raja Dhaj of Girnar, Junagadh in Gujarat. He founded the Ror Dynasty. He had a sister who was childless for many years. He loved his sister very much. She used to do all rituals and serve saints.  At last a saint blessed her that she would beget a son but beware of your son as he is the doom of your brother. She loved her brother very much.  She did not want to kill her son at the same time she dint want her brother to be harmed so she kept the pregnancy news to herself. She set out on a religious tour but in truth she hid herself from her brother’s eye till she gave birth to a beautiful bonny boy. She remembered the sage’s prophecy and put the newly born in a bamboo casket and set it afloat in the river. The basket reached the province of King Annirari.
There was a shepherd named Dami who used to live on the banks of the river. Dami and his wife went to river shore to fetch water. They found a bamboo casket floating in the river. Dami saw across the river and caught hold of the basket and brought it to shores. Dami and his wife were speechless seeing a small new born in the basket. Dami and his wife had no child of their own so they decided to bring up the infant and named him as Beejal. Beejal means”water’s gift”. As beejal grew up he was taught to graze sheeps and he took great care of animals. One day Beejal heard a music emanating from the jungle and he went in the direction of the sound.He discovered that the sound came from the dried intestine of animal hanging around a shrub. Beejal made strings using the intestine and used to create an instrument played with a bow. Rai Diyachi was very fond of music and who knew that his deserted nephew would also love music. The music emanated from the instrument was so divine that it would attract birds and deer. Beejal’s music stunned the animals so they stood motionless and he could take a deer or two to his home for his old parents. He was well known for his music. Beejal was married to a girl chosen by his parents when he was of suitable age.
There was another King, Bhoj who was ruler of country next to Rai Diyachi. He had six daughters and his wife gave birth to beautiful lass around the time Beejal was born. King Bhoj and his wife were unhappy that their prayer for a son wasn’t answered so they placed the child in a bamboo casket and left it to float in the river.  Ratno was a potter in Rai Diyachi kingdom who used to go to river shore to get clay to make beautiful pot, jugs and pitcher.  Ratno spotted the basket and swam towards it and rescued it. The basket was founded by a potter named Ratno who lived in the Rai Diyachi Kingdom. Ratno and his wife were childless so they decided to take the young one as their daughter and named her as Sorath.
As Sorath reached her prime praises of her beauty spread far and wide. Annirai wanted to marry Sorath because of her legendary beauty. He calls Ratno and asks for her hand in marriage. Ratno agrees happily because his daughter can live happily in peace with him. On an auspicious day, Ratno arranged a marriage procession for Sorath and started to the Kingdom of Annirai. When Rai Diyachi hears that Sorath is as beautiful as a moon he sends his men to abduct her from her marriage procession going to Annirai. Sorath procession was passing through Junagadh. It was surrounded by armed men. The musicians stopped playing music.  The masked warriors asked the people to surrender Sorath or no one else would be alive. The people in marriage procession did not oppose nor fight back and sorath was taken by the leader of masked gang and they disappeared in a cloud of dust and only distant echo of horse hooves can be heard. The brideless marriage procession rushed to Raja Annirai and recounted how the bride was abducted on her way. Raja Annirai was humiliated that someone stole his would be bride. He ordered his men to search high and low who had done this shameful act. He found that it was Raja Rai Diyachi who had abducted his would be bride Sorath. Raja Annirai sent emissaried to Raja Rai Diyachi to return Sorath with all royal formalities or face war. Raja Rai Diyachi told the emissaries that Sorath was the Queen of his kingdom and no one could take her even if they wanted to wage a war or not.
Raja Annirai attacked Jhunagadh’s Girnar fort but he was not able to conquer the fort even after one year. After this futile attempt, he returned back to his kingdom. He wanted to have his revenge so he announced that if anyone could bring King Rai Diyachi head would be given a platter full of gold coins and ornament.
Beejal had become a goatherd and he used to sit under the shade of tree and using his instrument play songs. His music attracted birds, animals and travellers. Sometimes few travellers would give him gold coins as a reward for his song. Beejal wife heard about King Annirai’s reward and she accepted the offer saying her husband would do it without his consent. In the evening when Beejal returned home he was enraged to know what his wife has done. Beejal was in dilemma because King Rai Diyachi was very kind and looked after his subjects like his children. He was named Diyachi because he never said no to whatever alms was asked from him. Moreover Diyachi was a lover of music and patronized many musicians and poets. If Beejal did not obey King Annirai’s order he would be executed. Beejal was forced to do something that his conscience would not permit.
Beejal left for Girnar fort, Junagadh with his musical instrument made of dried animal intestine.  He reached the gate of fort in the night so he played his instrument in front of the gate for full night.

To the palace has come seeker with his instrument,
Would ask for the boon of the head by his enchanting music.
(Shah Latif)
Image result for sorath rai diyach
The king Rai Diyachi heard the enthralling music and was impressed.  From the window of his palace he asked him soldiers to go and ask the musicians what he wants.
Beejal replied,” I have to reveal a secret to reveal let me meet you”
The king ordered the guards to escort the musician into the palace. The guards brought Beejal in a palanquin to the palace. Beejal did not utter a single word and started playing his musical instrument. The king offered him gems, jewels, wealth but Beejal did not accept anything and kept playing the instrument. The music was so heavenly that he felt as if he was in the presence of God and his soul and spirits soar high. He felt that he and the music was one with the Divine. King Rai Diyachi was like snake enarmored by Snake charmers ‘s Pungi. King Rai Diyachi was in trance. Beejal told him that,
” I have left all the doors and sought yours,
Oh Gracious husband of Sorath, Help me,
Fill the empty bag of this seeker.
(Shah Latif)
 He played for six continuous nights but each time he turned down wealth until King acceded to his request. He told that Beejal’s wish will be granted as King’s keep up their promise even if they have to die.
Then Beejal told him that,” I would be satisfied only when I have your head in my bag.”
Queen Sorath and the courtiers and people were shocked by strange demands. Everybody decided to convince him to accept something other than asking for King’s head but Beejal remain unmoved and insisted that king should fulfill his promise.    Beejal was fated calamity for Rai Diyachi and no one could outrun fate. Sorath and his ministers and the entire country pleaded to take their herad instead of their King’s head. Beejal was firm on his request and asked Rai Daychi to fulfill his promise. In ancient India a promise given must be kept or else they felt that they would shame their ancestor’s fame.
  Rai Diyachi beheaded his head himself but before beheading his head he said
“ If I had millions of heads on my shoulder, I would behead my self-millions of times over, that action would not be an equal measure to ecstasy of your strings” (Shah Latif)
I would sacrifice thousands of head at your feet   O seeker!
The sacrifice of an entire country is also not sufficient (Shah Latif)
The entire Junagadh was wrenched in anguish as their king had cut his head and people cried out in pain
When king cut his head there every one at Junagadh was horrified and cried out in anguish.
The flower of Girnar is plucked; curse is heaped upon curse,
Hundreds of women like Sorath are ready to die in raging pyre,
 Behead their heads with hair and face well made up,
 Offer willingly to shepherd,
 Women wail loudly that yesterday night king died! (Shah Latif)
 Queen Sorath had dressed like a new bride to join her beloved in afterlife. Shah latif tells that many women join the Queen dressed up to jump into the burning pyre of Rai Daychi.  These women made up head should be cut to be offered to the goat herd, Beejal. The city is filled with wails from women for their King had died leaving them as orphans.
The news of Rai Diyachi spread like fire to the neighbouring countries. Beejal went to Raja Annirai with Rai Diyachi’s head. Annirai was disgusted with Beejal who had stooped to a low level to kill a generous king like Rai Diyachi for your avarice. Annirai banished Beejal from his kingdom for his malicious act. Beejal did not expect Annirai to behave like this and was overcome by remorse. He returned to Junagadh. As he entered Junagadh, he saw Sorath was commiting sati at the burning pyre of Rai Diyachi. He did not want to live anymore after his name was stained with killing of Rai Diyachi. He jumped in to the burning pyre of Rai Diyachi as a way of cleansing himself of his sins. He paid for his sins with this life. Beejal’s wife who forced her husband led her like as a beggar. Annirari who had asked for Rai Diyachi head spent rest of his days in remorse for being instrumental in death of Rai Diyachi.
After the death of Sorath stillness reigned,
 Khangar’s pitched their tents,
 Music started and strings wailed,
This way they would sing mourning songs,
To make their king happy. (Shah Latif)
The people mourned their king with music as Rai Diyachi was a true lover of music.
Rai Diyachi had six sons from Sorath. They were named as Kunak, Takshak, Prasenjit, Kardhman, Raghu and Sharanjit. Kunak succeded Rai Diyachi as the monarch of Sindh and Hind. Takshak went to city of Lucknow, Raghu went to current day Pune-Satara area. Prasenjit renounced the world and became a mendicant. Kardhman went to eastern Uttar Pradesh and his descendants are owners of 84 villages in the current Gorakhpur and Gonda districts.

The minstrel came to Junagarh
and here took out his lyre;
With his entrancing melodies
he did all hearts inspire;
With his bewitching magic-strings
he set whole town on fire-
But palace-servants, princesses,
were struck with anguish dire;
"That Raja's head was bard's desire,
lute spoke in accents clear."

The bard at though a living string
played with humility;
The Raja in his palace fine,
to hear him did agree;
He mercifully called him in,
and met him graciously-
Then prince and bard, one harmony,
one single 'self' became!

"I travelled many foreign lands,
and have arrived today;
Poor minstrel I, no tresures crave
but for your life I pray-
To win this favour, let me play,
Oh Sir, the time is short.-"

"Leaving all other doors, O king
I wandered to your door!
Blest Sorth's husband, see my need
a beggar doth implore,
His empty apron fill once more
and happiness restore!"

The king sat on his glistening dais,
the bard below him played;
The faintest note of music sweet
up to the Raja sped-
To private folks that could not come
the minstrel too was led;-
Fine horses were produced, rare gems,
before the bard were spread,
Who said: "no wealth like this, but head
of Raja do I claim!"

No jewels can the mistrel please
no wealth, no property-
From riches and from great rewards
His only wish is, near to be
the giver of this wealth.

prince said: "I'll gladly sacrifice
My head for thee O Bard,
Although this is a small reward
For all thy music's worth...

"Were I to own a hundred heads
And weigh them with thy strings-
Behold the scale, how down it swings
On side of strings divine!

"O Friend, my head is only bone:
An empty, empty bone-
If thousand heads my neck would own
I'll cut them all for thee!"

The strings, the dagger and the neck
were reconciled all thee-
King said: "nought is so lovely than
your wish to come to me,
My head you craved...most heartily
I do thank God for that..."

"But singer, it astounded me,
That while you played your strain.
How could its sweetness you survive
And could alive remain?
Last night, my being all in twain
was by your music cut."

The flower of Girnar plucked;
The town is plunged in mourn and pain,
Hundreds like Sorath stand and raise
Their lamentations all in vain-
The minstrel, holding lock, receives
The prince's head adorned again-
While virgins chant the sad refrain;
"Last night the Raja passed away."

Sorath is dead; and all is peace-
Ruler removed his tents-
There are no singings and no shows,
no tuneful elementss.-
And after this, artist presents
The head again to king!

Sorath is dead, and all is peace-
Raja pitches his tents;
Music is heard again...the show
goes on with merriments-
Echo sounds song's sweet sentiments...
Behold, the happy king!


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