Samebito (Shark Man)


Samebito (pronounced ‘sah-may-bee-toe) is a mythological creature of Japan folklores. Samebito means shark man.

The Samebito (shark man in Japanese) is a creature that appears in "The Gratitude of the Samebito", a short story by Lafcadio Hearn. Hearn's story appears to have been based on another story called Kojin by Kyokutei Bakin. The kojin are mythical creatures thought to live in the South China Sea, which resemble ningyo, Japanese Mermaids who like to weave at their looms and whose tears become precious stones.

Once upon a time there lived a man named Tawaraya Totatro, who lived in the province of Omi. His house was built on the shores of Lake Biwa, not far from the temple called Ishiyamadera. The largest fresh water lake in Japan is named after the Goddess Benzaiten,(Goddess of Speech, fortune, eloquence and music) instrument stringed lute , Biwa. He was of marriable age looking out for a beautiful bride but he had not found his desirable mate.

One day on the way to his home, Tawaraya Totatro was crossing the long bridge of seta enroute his home. As he was halfway across the bridge he saw a dark figure huddled in the shadows. On a closer look,he saw a beast having the body of a man and was as black as the thunder clouds with glowering emerald green eyes and had a stingy beard of a dragon and his head resembles a goblin shark head. Even though Tawaraya totatro was a brave man he was startled by the creature but the poor creature looked extremely pathetic and his heart went out for the creature.

Tawaraya Totatro asked the creature,” who are you? What brings you here?

The creature replied,” I am Samebito, a sharkman of the sea. I was working at the Palace of Eight Dragon Kings(Hachi-day-ryū-Ō) in the dragon’s palace(Ryugu). I was dismissed from the dragon
palace for my small blunder and banished from the sea. I am hungry and thirsty and need a place to stay. Please have pity on me and help me.”

Tawaraya Totatro was moved by the gentle behaviour and humbleness of Samebito.
Tawaraya Totatro addressed Samebito,” there is a  small pond near my home where you can live and I will give also provide with food.”

Samebito lived in the pond near Tawaraya Totatro home without any hassles for half an year. In the seventh month, there was a festival  in the Temple of Midera in the neighbouring town of Otsu. The festival in the Temple of midera was attended by large number of women pilgrims. Tawaraya Totatro also attended the festival.  In the festival temple grounds, he chanced to see a rare female beauty who stole his heart.  The female was about sixteen years old who was an epitome of beauty and grace, she had the colour of pure white snow , beautiful chocolate brown eyes and a pair of lustrous coral red lips. Tawaraya Totatro was mystified that whether she was a dream or reality.  Her voice was so sweet like the nightingale singing upon a plum tree. Totatro fell in love with her at first sight so he followed her to know her whereabouts. On further enquiries he came to know that her name was Tamana and was guest for few days in neighbouring village of Seta. He met her family to ask for her hand in marriage they were ready to marry her but their only demand was a betrothal gift of ten thousand rubies

Tawaraya Totatro did not have that much wealth as to offer a betrothal gift of thousand precious stones. Totatro grieved that he would not be able to marry Tamana. He spent sleepless nights and even forgot to eat and drink always lost in Tamana thoughts. Due to his love sickness he became so weak that he was not even able to get up from his bed. He sent for the doctor. 

The doctor on careful examniation of Totatro exclaimed ,” O young man any kind of sickness can be cured by appropriate  treatmentexcept love sickness. There is no cure for it. In olden days  Roya – o Hakuyo died  due to love sickness.” The doctor left without giving any medicines.  Samebito saw the doctor leaving his master household and decided to serve his master who had provided him with food and home. Samebito nursed Tawaraya Totatro day and night but he showed no signs of recovery and he could not deduce the cause of his sickness.
 After a week time, Tawaraya Totatro saw that even after Samebito assistance there was no recovery in him and he concluded that he is on the way to death. 
Tawaraya Totatro wanted toexpress his gratitude to samebito and inform him his impending death.
“ O Samebito, We developed a relationship between us as I took care of you but now I feel that I may no longer be able to take care of you. I feel that I will vanish like morning dew drops which disappears due to rising sun. I feel bad for you who will take care of you after I am gone. I did not envisage such a end and our hopes and wishes turn to nothing in this unhappy world”
Samebito was shocked by Tawaraya Totatro farewell speech, he felt that his world has been turned upside down. Samebito broke down into sobs and his entire body was shaking on the impact of grief. Samebito tears were blood which rolled down his black cheeks and as it fell down to the floor where he lay crouched in agony it turned to blood red rubies. Tawaraya Totatro turned around hearing the wild cry of an animal and incessant sobing of Samebito. Tawaraya Totatro was stunned seeing how the tears from the green eyes of Samebito were blood red and how it miraculosly turned into bright, beautiful blood red rubies on contact with the floor. In ancient myths , it stated that when men of sea weep their tears turn into precious stones.
Tawaraya Totatro got from his bed and ran towards samebito touching the blood red rubies.
He exclaimed” O My friend , my sickness is cured as you are solution to my problem.  I shall live and get to marry the girl of my heart.”
Samebito stopped weeping as he saw that Tawaraya Totatro was standing near him. Samebito asked him to explain how he got cured. Tawaraya Totatro told Samebito how he met a beautiful lass named Tamana and how her family demanded a bride gift of ten thousand rubies. I was love sick as I did not have means to gift them ten thousand rubies andbecame so sick that I was unable to recover.  After seeing your tears turn to rubies I got hope that I still have a chance to get married to Tamana.
Tawaraya Totatro requested Samebito,” Can you weep some more as the rubies are still less than ten thousand.?”
Samebito shook his head sadly and said,” we creatures of sea can only cry when we feel real sorrow. I cried for you as I could not believe you were going to die. I cannot cry for you as your sickness is cured.”
Tawaraya Totatro begged Samebito ,” O dear friend, I cannot get married unless I have ten thousand precious red rubies.”

Samebito was silent for a while before he said, “ Listen dear friend, I cannot weep anymore today. But tomorrow let both of us go to the bridge of Seta where weor the met for the first time. I can weep feeling  homesick thinking about the good times. “
Next morning, the two friends set out to the bridge of seta with fish and wine to dine and took rest there . After enjoying their food, Samebito looked in the directions of the Dragon castle and recalled his past. Samebito was a little drunk and as he recalled his time spent in his home he felt his heaart fill up with pain and sorrow and the pain of homesickness was so great he burst into tears. As he started weeping , the blood tears dripping from his green eyes onto the cheek fell on the ground into shiny blood red rubies. Tawaraya Totatro collected the rubies and counted them as he put away into the casket. Totatro  shouted in joy when the rubies reached their full number of ten thousand.
At the same timefrom the lake there was  a truimphant music playing from a far distance and water parted giving way to a palace in the colour of setting sun. Samebito jumped on the parapet of the bridge and was so excited that he could contain his joy.
Samebito turned towards Totatro and said,” O dear Friend, thanks for all the help you have done me. This is the dragon King Palace and he has forgiven my mistakes and calling me back to work in his palace. I was pardoned because of the help I did for you. My friend be happy and get married to the girl of your choice. My time has come to go back to the castle. I bade you good bye.”
With these words he leapt from the bridge into the lake . No men ever saw him again. Tawaraya Totatro presented the bride gift’s to Tamana father and got married to her in a grand wedding and lived happily ever after.


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