63 Nayanmars - 58 Pusalar Nayanar


Pusalar Nayanmar

Pusalar Nayanar was a Brahmin of Thiruninravur in Thondai Mandalam. He was great Shiva devotee and excelled in mental worship. Pusalar used to medidate on Lord shiva sitting under an Illuppai tree in Thiruninravur while chanting the lords name. Pusalar wanted to built a temple for Lord shiva with ornate pillars and lingam which was studded with diamonds, rubies and emerald, but he did not have money for it. He started building a temple for his lord in his mind. On an auspicious day he laid the foundation stone for building a temple. He started building the temple from bottom to top with intricate design. He wanted the temple to be built with semi precious and precious stones like rubies, Corals, pearls, emeralds, cat stones, topaz, Sapphire , diamond and gold. The temple was an architecture marvel. Pusalar had set the date for installation of Shiva lingam too on his mind.


In the meantime, another Shiva devotee the King of pallavas, Rajasimha had built the KailaSanathar temple for Lord Shiva at Kanchipuram, it happened that the King of pallavas, Rajasimha too had the same date for installation of Shiva lingam.

Lord Shiva appeared in the dream of pallava King, Rajasimha and asked him to change the date as another devote has also planned for installation on the same day as he has to go to Thiruninrarvur to visit the temple constructed by his devotee.

The king was enthralled and wanted to see the devotee for whom Shiva asked him to postpone the date of installation. He reached Thiruninrarvur but there was no new temple in the new place.

The king enquired about Pusalar nayanar to others and he was directed to the house of Pusalar Nayanar.

The king addressed Pusalar Nayanar,” o kind soul, pray tell me where is the temple that you had built for Lord Shiva? “

The King describes the events he saw in his dreams to Pusalar Nayanar. Pusalar nayanar is moved to tears that god had accepted his mental abode as his home.

Pusalar nayanar told the King “ o great King ,I built the temple in my mind .” The king was awestruck with the devoution of Pusalar nayanar and fell down at his feets and got blessings.
The King, Rajasimha heard the abstract details about the structure and built a temple for pusalar sake in Thirunindravur which was named as Hridyaaleeswarar temple and the main sanctorum had a magnificent Shiva Lingam with an idol of Pusalar beside it.

Pusalar installed the Lord in his mental temple and continued to worship Siva till he attained the Lord's abode.

Above image is outside the temple built by the king in Thirunindravur and placed Pusalar outside the temple sanctum as an obeisance.


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