Bhumi Sparsha Mudra

Bhumi Sparsha is a word coined from two words. ‘Bhumi’ refers to Earth. ‘Sparsha’ refers to touch.The Shakyamuni Buddha is seen seated with right hand  over the right knee reaching towards the ground with the palm inward whereas the left hand can be seen with palm upright in his lap. The left hand symbolizes his awakening as he claims earth to be his witness with his right hand.

There is a story of how Buddha had exhibited the BhumiSparsha mudra.  In Buddhist Scriptures the demon king Mara symbolizes death. Mara threatens people who seek enlightenment with his five skandhas. Gautama Siddharatha  sat under the Bodhi tree to attain enlightenment.  The demon King, Mara claimed that he had the right to seat of Enlightenment and not Gautama Siddhartha. Mara sent his daughters to seduce Siddhartha but Siddhartha was unmoved.  Mara sent his demonic armies to attack him but he was not bothered. Mara tried all means to tempt Gautama Siddhartha to quit from reaching his enlightenment.

Mara soldier’s cried out together,” We are witness to our Lord Mara has the rightfull claim to seat of Enlightenment but you do not have anyone to be your witness.”
Mara and his demonic tribe challenged Siddhartha about his witness.

 Gautama Siddharth touched down the earth to be his witness that he has reined his five Skandhas. Gautama Siddharth’s each finger symbolizes one skandha. The five Skandhas are (i) Matter/ Form ( It is manifestes in nature through five elements earth, air, fire , water and space) (rupam)(ii) Feelings or sensations.(Vedanta) (iii) Perceptions of sense (Sanna)(iv) Mental formations based on Perceptions (Samskara/ Sankharas) (v)Awareness/ Consciousness of the other four Skandhas. (Vinnana). According to him these five Skandhas are sufferings and must be overcome to reach the state of Enlightenment. His right hand reached out to touch the earth asking her to be his witness.

Then there was a roar from the earth herself “ I bear you the witness”
Mara and his army after witnessing Gautama Siddhartha’s enlightenment disappeared.
We can see in the Buddha statue as his outstretched right hand reaching down from his lap to touch the Earth asking her to bear as witness that he has attained Enlightenment after controlling his five skandhas.   Hence Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth witness symbol) symbolizes Buddha’s Victory over the temptation by the demon King Mara.


  1. Your post was quite informative.   Bhumisparsha Mudra  is a symbolic gesture and body position that acknowledges a few major moments in the Buddha's life. This is my preferred mudra posture.


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