Maulis/ Makutas/Mukutas/Head Gears/Coronets/Diadems of Hindu Gods and Godess

Ushnisha Bhushana / Shriobestana

Kirita Mukuta

Mukuta means 'Crown' in sanskrit. Kirti means' Glory'. Kirita Mukuta is a conical crown or cylindircal crown with lot of ornamentation and adorned with gem stones of glory. The centre of front side of the crown has a jewel or a central motiff. The rest of the crown are covered with small designs. Kirita Mukuta symbolises royalty and adorns various forms of Vishnu and Surya. The crown has appearance of Taranga (ie waves). The base of Kirita Mukuta must be curved like a Ardha-Chandra(Crescent shaped)just above the forehead. The height of the Kirita Mukuta should be two or three times the length of the wearer's face. It symbolises the superior nature of the wearer and he has many subordinates to do his work. Kirita Mukuta can be worn by Chrakavarthis who conquered beyond seas.

Pallava emperor in Adivaraha cave with his consorts wearing kirita mukuta.. The krita makuta on King Mahendra and the maids-in-waiting (in Adivaraha cave) is quite short compared to the one worn by Vishnu and the one worn by a royal figure on Dharmaraja ratha. The delightful figures of men and women on Arjuna ratha with karanda makuta represent royalty. Warriors have their hair tied up on top, and others (in Arjuna's penance) are shown with a gem-studded ribbon-like ornament to tie up their hair. A few men are represented with shaven heads and a tuft, at the top of Dharmaraja ratha. Warriors have moustaches, rishis pointed beards, but kings and gods are clean-shaven.

Karanda Mukuta

Mukuta means 'Crown' in sanskrit. Karanda means 'Bowl' in sanskrit. Karanda Mukuta is basket shaped crown or bowl shaped crown with short height and small size.Karanda Mukuta is a coronet meaning a small or relatively simple crown, especially as worn by lesser royalty and peers or peeresses. Karanda Mukuta is indication of subordination in status among pantheon of gods.

Usually female dieties or demigods and yakshas are provided with Karanda Mukutas. It has three or five or seven round basket shaped tiers. The lowest tier is studded with jewels and has a golden band. The topmost tier is surmounted by a Å›ikhamaṇi or crest-jewel. The width of Karanda Mukuta should be only one half or one third less than that at its base.

Jata Mukuta

Jata Mukuta is the crown like formation when matted hair is ornamentally coiled or twisted to form a tall crown. Jata Mukuta is crown made up of Jata (ie matted locks) which are twisted into encircling braids of spiral curls and tied into a knot looped at the top. It is held in place by a patta(ie band). An milky exudation of certain trees are applied to prevent dirt and dust sticking to it and can be convenient and easy and hassless to manage. Jata Mukutas is for Sages and Gods like Shiva, Brahma, Rudra and also consorts of Shiva.

They should be three Angulas in height. on the four sides there must be four puris. In the middle it must be held by seven holed Makara Kuta. on each side there has to be patra Kuta and on the back side a ratna kuta. The breadth of the Ushnisha must be ten angulas at the top and at the base it should be same as the wearer's face. In Jata Mukuta ,Shiva has to be adorned whit moon on left or right side and cobra on the left side. Jata Makutas are infact five braids of matted hairs which are taken and coiled into a knot for threee inchesin height by coiling them into tree loops the rest of braids are being bound and taken through to be left hanging on both sides. Jata Makuta is for Shiva, Brahma and Manonmani

Jata Mukuta with Siras chakra

Natrajar statue is shown to have matted hair flowing horizontally is a variant of Jata Mukuta 

Jata Bandha

Here the matted hairs are tied together. The saints and ascetics follow this hairdo style. It looks like a basket tied around the head. This hairstyle can be seen in the images of devotees and also in one form of Shiva where he wanders around with a begging bowl. 

Jata Mandalam

The matted locks aare spread in all directions like rays of a sun and resembles the constellation spread across the universe and hence called as Jata Mandalam. Shiva as Bhikshander has Jata Mandalam coiffure.


Jata Bhara

Shiva as rishababhavana his head in aturban of matted snake coils 

                                              Siris chakra on the back side

Jwala Mukuta

In few case the matted locks spread out in a fan like fashion like a flame and it is called as Jwala Mukuta. We can see in Godess Kali and dance pose of Lord Shiva, Agni Bhairavar

Kali -Jwala Muktua


Kesabandha is a hair arrangement where hair is combed and tied in a knot at the top of the head with a band over in the middle and a wheel ornament on either side. . Kannapa Nayannmar  with a kesabandha  in ThiruValangadu about 10 th century AD. 

Many varieties of the knot are applied and sometimes floral garlands are fixed around it. KesaBandha is potrayed in most Saraswathi  sculpture. Even Lakshmi adopts a similar Kesa Bandha hairdo which is called Kuntala and it is also used to potray emperor wife’s hair do 

Sirastraka is for generals who serve the King.

Dhammilla is a type of coiffure where hair is arranged into a bun and it is worn by wives of  Mandalikas or governors.It is also called as Kabari or KesaVesa.

Alaka Chudaka is worn by torch bearing women or wives of sword bearers and shield bearers.
 The above hair do all bound by pushpa patta (wreath of flowers), Patra Patta(strings of leaves of coconut palm) or by jeweled golden band (ratna patta).


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