Child is father of the man

Child is father of the man

An incident triggered me to remember Words Worth. He was a genius to tell this in 18th century which I came to know now in 2014.

On this Sunday night (26/01/2014) , me and my son were playing basket ball (well we are not professionals) . We just throw the ball in the basket. I had hung the basket in our bedroom just above the door it must be about seven feet approx. My son was trying to put the ball into basket and after many futile attempts he had three successes in landing the ball into the basket and he asked me to do it. I was sitting lazily on my gym ball and tried to put the ball into the basket and could not make it. So I gave my son a sad face. Surprisingly he told me “practice makes man perfect" and gave a pause before adding up "and a girl perfect". I had used this proverb to make him do his work so his could be better at what he did. Suddenly I felt as if he had grown up tall and had taken cue to motivate me and not lose heart and try on practise.


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